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On-going classes online via zoom:

Wednesday at 10:00 am​


Tai ji Tuesday at 8:45 am

Alicia Fox, Qigong Therapist and Educator

Please see the schedule for In Person Workshops.

Classes, Workshops
& Individual Sessions

Single qigong online class: $25. 

Class cards: $20 per class.


Please email for more information or for private class/session. 


Qigong combines physical movement, breath, and massage. It is based on the knowledge of meridians (qi pathways) and acupuncture points and facilitates qi flow. The practices are often simple, gentle, yet powerful. They harmonize and balance the organism. Sounds and mudra (hand gestures) may be used separately or in conjunction with qigong movements. Qigong is considered a branch of Chinese medicine. Scientific studies have proven qigong can help alleviate chronic diseases and disorders as well as improve immune system function. It is ofter used as complementary healing modality along side western medical treatments.

Tai Ji Quan

This ancient moving art is still one of the most beneficial health practices to date. It has been practiced for centuries in China and now worldwide and it will continue to be practiced into the future:

​Like many of the qigong forms that I teach Taijiquan has an incredible capacity to heal and harmonize body and mind. As with any art form, it takes a commitment to learn, so regular class attendance and persistence are required.


Please Note: Tai ji requires regular practice and dedication to learn the form. I require participants to have some movement experience or practice with qigong before taking this class. ​Please connect with me by email before registering for this class. Thank you. 

Individual Sessions

Session request form

Thanks for submitting!

Individual Sessions are for people who would like to develop an individualized practice to address a particular issue or explore a particular aspect of the practice. 


Some participants want to hone the taiji form or others wish to explore a particular aspect of qigong. 

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